In Diani

Luzma Apartment – The Budget-Friendly Pearl in Diani Beach

Best Price Value – Very Clean – Handy Owner

Is the Funky Monkey worth the Hype? We Think So – Here’s Why

Best Drinks in Town - Super Food - Top Notch Cleaness - Chilled Vibes

Shane Punjab Restaurant – Where Vegetarian Delights Take Center Stage

The only Indian Restaurant in Kwale County - Vegetarian Food - Amazing Presentation -

Benson Gitare Arts – 3 Amazing Talents under one Roof

Benson Gitare Art Gallery - 3 Artists in one Company - Since 2006 in business

Diani Bikes – 2022 – E-Bikes for rent have arrived – MUST BOOK

E-Bikes available - Guided Tours - 20 Years in Business - High-Security Measures

Care and Cure Pharmacy – OUR TIP – Because Health is no Joke

Only original Medicines - Over 10 Years experience - Home Delivery Service

NANCY´S GROCERY – Organic Products & Local Farming – WOW

Best in Class - Organic Offering - Home Delivery Service

THE CLUB DIANI – Good Vibes have arrived in Diani

NEW - Stylish - Exclusive - Brilliant Vibes

WINE & MORE – Local Passion meets Worldwide Quality – MUST SEE

Super Quality - Amazing Product Range - Everyday Delivery Service

The Baharini Shopping Center – Simply the Best

Best Shops - Best Parking - Best Vibes

SCUBA DUKA DIVING – International Quality – Local Pricing

Great Team - Super Pricing - 100% Beginner Friendly

Apero Bar and Restaurant – Quality meets Quantity

Great Food - Super Cocktails - Smart Vibes

TIKI BAR Diani – Where the party starts Early

Good Vibes - Good Drinks - Good Bar

Shashin-Ka Japanese Restaurant – Unbeaten Quality

Quality First - Quality Second - Quality Third

Havana Bar & Restaurant – Get the Cuban Vibes

Central Location - Easy Parking - Good Drinks

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